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 6 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Giovanni Vincenzo Melone"Advanced Search
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Allegory Celebrating Victory at Lepanto [reverse], 1571. Creator: Giovanni Vincenzo Melone.
Don Juan of Austria, 1547-1578 [obverse], 1571. Creator: Giovanni Vincenzo Melone.
Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, 1520-1589 [obverse], 1575. Creator: Giovanni Vincenzo Melone.
Opening for Worship of the Chiesa del Gesù, Rome, 1575. Creator: Giovanni Vincenzo Melone.
Antoine Perrenot, Cardinal Granvelle, 1517-1586, Bishop of Arras 1540, Cardinal 1561 [obverse]. Creator: Giovanni Vincenzo Melone.
Ship at Sea [reverse]. Creator: Giovanni Vincenzo Melone.